Mountain Gate-Sanmonji Programs

Kannon Bodhisattva

Activities and Programs

Mountain Gate-Sanmonji is a Buddhist lay and monastic practice community in the mountains of northern New Mexico. Our practice is about coming to the deepest possible Awakening—for the benefit of all beings—and manifesting it in every aspect of our lives. We call this “360-Degree Practice.”

In order to do this we have a vigorous, intensive schedule of zazen, with daily sanzen, koan practice, and frequent osesshin and kosesshin.

Our programs and activities include:

  • Rinzai Zen Buddhist meditation retreats (sesshin: “to touch the mind”).
  • Shorter and longer-term residential Rinzai Zen training
  • Regaining Balance Retreats for Women Veterans with PTSD
  • Regaining Balance Retreats for Wives/Female partners of vets with PTSD
  • Private guidance in Zen practice—sanzen
  • Scheduled Zen meditation
  • Social outreach (helping the sick; helping repair the village church; cleaning up the countryside)
  • Zen Talks—teisho
  • Extended meditation sessions
  • Personal and Group Intensives

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